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Uneeda Shed- Leesville
Serving our Second Location Since: 2019
98 Miller Avenue
Leesville, LA 71446
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Best Value Wood
Side Lofted Barn

Best Value Wood buildings come in two styles, Lofted Barn or Side Lofted Barn, and offer standard 24" on center studs, doubled every 4', a high quality galvalume metal roof, 2x4 floor joists, and 6' walls, with the option of 2X3 or 3X3 single pane windows.
Best Value Wood
Side Utility

Best Value Wood Side Utility comes with 1 - 48" door (8') wide building, Or Double Shop Built Doors, (10'-12') Wide, 2X4 75" stud walls on 16" centers, 2X6" trusses, galvalume metal Roof, & 2X4 floor joist, with 5/8" Advantech flooring, with the option of 2X3 or 3X3 single pane windows!

Best Value Metal buildings come standard with 6' walls, 1- 48" Shop Built Door (8' Wide), or Double Shop Built Doors (10'-12' Wide), 2x4 studs, 29 gauge metal roofing and siding, 2x4 floor joists, and 5/8" flooring, we do not offer windows with this style!
(ONLY) Side EMUT Offers 2X3 Windows
No Other Color Option Available:
Best Value Metal comes with~
Roof & Siding: Light Stone Metal
Trim: Burnished Slate
These prices do not include tax.
Please note prices are subject to change at any time.
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